The Hearts And Start Charity Fundraiser at The Townsend Hotel took place on Saturday evening, and it certainly was an evening to remember.
Lincoln Of Troy was the Presenting Sponsor, and they ringed the entire hotel with beautiful, shiny new Lincolns – then there was also the one in ballroom!
The dulcet tones of Paul W. Smith got the evening off to a great start, and as always, The Townsend Hotel produced an absolutely awesome dinner experience.
There are so many people to thank for the evening, people who put their heart and soul into making sure everything went smoothly. Though the aren’t named individually, they deserve our appreciation.
Special thanks go to:
Michelle Murphy – Variety. Michelle and her staff deserve a standing ovation for all they do.
Event co-chairs – Laurie Fischgrund and Rhonda Sabatini
Honorees – Rosalie and Joe Vicari
Presenting Sponsor – Lincoln of Troy
Award presenters – Felicia Palazzolo-Shaw and Kim Smith
Entertainment – Nuclassica
Now let’s look at some of the photographs from the event, available for download in web resolution with compliments.